CRSL23+ (2008)
FEATURING: derek beaulieu, Michael DeForge, Daniel Erban, Jesse Harris, Erik Jerezano, Mark Laliberte, Jason McLean, gustave morin, Ed Pien, Luke Ramsey, Victor Romao and Douglas Walker
DATES: September 02 - 14, 2008 — OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, September 04, 2008 > 7-10pm
@ INDEXg / 50 Gladstone Ave / Toronto, ON:::::::::: INDEXg presented CRSL23+, a group show showcasing original artworks from various artists appearing in the pages of CAROUSEL magazine.
A hybrid literary & arts magazine, CAROUSEL features new works from both emerging & established artists ... from cover to cover, this innovative and beautifully designed journal acts as a venue for global & Canadian creators interested in exploring the page. The Carousel Exhibition Series expands on the culture that CAROUSEL proposes to study with every new issue; these shows bring together groups of artists, who have, through their practice and aesthetic, strongly connected to the community developing around the magazine.
:::::::::: A highlight of the exhibition is the C/A/R/O/U/S/E/L special project released in collaboration with GOOD Edition: a series of eight archival prints (17" x 22" on 100% rag fine art paper, in editions of 10). GOOD Edition is a limited edition Print Program released by INDEXg's GOOD Art Foundation, dedicated to developing a hybrid and kaleidoscopic platform for the neo-collecting habitat (for more information visit the GOOD Edition website)